Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vintage Suitcase and Organic Burritos

Part II of my Saturday involved a trip to a thrift store and Kroger.  I haven't been thrifting in a long time because it is such a hassle to get a baby out of the car and into the stroller for what may turn out to be a quick look around the store to discover that they have nothing.  Since the thrift store we went to is so close to our house and they have some stuff with potential in the window, I decided to make a stop. 

I found a vintage suitcase for $9!  I'd been looking for one (or some) and the ones that I've seen have been way too expensive.

Hopefully I can find some more that are just as cheap.  I want to stack them underneath a console table, but first I have to sell a bookcase, buy a cheap console table and more it'll probably be a while before I get to use this blue beauty.

My next find was a wooden cheese plate to put under a glass dome that I already owned.  It cost a whopping $2 and it's the perfect size.
My fake little Ikea plant looks at home under there.

After tax I spent about $12 and I'll definitely be checking back on a regular basis.

When we were done at the thrift store it was off to Kroger to get a few things that Trader Joe's didn't have when we made our weekly trip.  Kroger's doing one of their mega events so I was able to get quite a few things for about $17.  With store deals and coupons I saved 53%!

I forgot to put the giant bunch of bananas I bought on the counter.

Lately we've been trying to buy organic, especially fruits, veggies and animal products, but I still use Kroger when they have great deals on things that don't need to be organic.  I use the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists to know which items I should buy organic and which ones I shouldn't. 

Kroger also has a pretty wide selection of organic items, and there are usually some deals to be found even if they are not listed in the weekly ad.  This week I found PJ's organic burritos for $2.  That may seem like a lot, but when you consider that there is organic chicken in there, $2 is a steal. 

$17 on groceries and $12 on stuff for house.  Good Saturday!

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