Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little More from The Raleigh Farmers Market

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  It looks like the weather here this Saturday is going to be better than the weather last Saturday, so I'm hoping to get back out to the Raleigh Farmers Market.  We only made a quick stop last Thursday and I'm looking forward to going back when there are more vendors and we have more time. 

We've been trying to buy more local produce and we've begun buying only locally raised meat.  Prices on produce that's in season are comparable to produce in super markets and we love to support local farmers. The market is 5 minutes from our house and when the weather is nice grocery shopping is a joy.   


  1. I visit the Raleigh Farmers Market every time I visit my son who lives there. He owns a restaurant in Raleigh and buys most of his produce there.
    That's where I discovered Muscadine wine! Good times.


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