Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bah Humbug

I'm being a bit of a Scrooge this year.  I still haven't put our tree up, I haven't made our Christmas cards, my advent calendar is no where near finished, and while I'm done shopping, I'm dreading the wrapping and making a trip to the post office.

I think I spent so much time cleaning and getting organized that I just don't want to make a mess...and Christmas decorations and wrapping paper make a mess!

I'll be spending the rest of today getting over it and getting stuff done!

Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain....My tree isn't up yet either and I have things that still aren't bought and need to be in Florida before Christmas...I'm in WI. Oh well!!! I have to remember what Christmas is really about and put my focus where it needs to be :) The important things will get done and the family will still be happy without everything being perfect. So relex and enjoy the "Reason for the Season ~ Jesus!"


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