I'll start with the outside of the house and work my way up:
As you can see our house is divided into three floors.
Here's the layout of the first floor:
And here is our living room:
Our little...and I mean little....dining area that's behind the living room.
Kitchen that needs some work...
....and kitchen.
Click here to see the entire post I wrote with details on our first floor.
Here's the second floor:
This is the nursery:
See the rest of the nursery details here, here, and here.
....guest room in progress (yikes)....
See the rest of the nursery details here, here, and here.
....guest room in progress (yikes)....
....2nd floor
Here's the third floor:
To see the entire post I wrote on the second and third floors of our house click here.
Hope you'll stick with me as I jump from room to room to get my little house decorated.