Saturday, April 2, 2011

Delayed Ikea Trip & Moss Initial

Our plan to make a trip to Ikea was foiled by a stomach bug.  My husband got sick Friday morning and I was so determined to go get that chair that I almost drove the 5 hour round trip by myself.  I called the store to make sure that they had the chair we wanted, and the lady I spoke with said that they had a lot of them.  Since it sounded like they weren't going to run out any time soon I decided to just postpone our trip for three weeks.  I've been planning on getting the chair since December, so three more weeks is nothing.

I'll see you in 3 weeks, OK?
Instead of going to Charlotte with my husband, my mom and I loaded up the baby and made a trip to Hobby Lobby in Burlington. Can you believe that we have to drive over an hour to get to the nearest Hobby Lobby?!  I think I'm going to start a letter writing campaign to David Green to get a Hobby Lobby in Raleigh.  I can't be the only one in this city of over 400,000 who wants one.

Anyway....I got some supplies to complete a little project that I've been wanting to do for a few weeks now.  Copies of Pottery Barn's moss letters have been floating around the blog world for a while, but I thought I'd share mine any way.

Other tutorials that I've seen have used moss that comes in pieces.  I used moss that comes in a sheet.
I just cut and hot-glued.  The most difficult part of this project was keeping our dog from eating the moss that fell on the floor.  The second most difficult part was getting the letter to hang on a wreath hanger.  I still don't really like how I've got it hanging, but it'll do for now.

These are Pottery Barn's letters which retail for $79 each.  The letter I bought at Hobby Lobby was on sale for $5 and the pack of moss was $5.  Even though my letter is smaller than the Pottery Barn letter, the $10 price tag makes up for the few inches it's lacking.

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