A while ago I listed "freshen up pillows" on my
to-do list for our master bedroom. Well, since the other things on my to-do list require spending a bit of money and making a three hour trip to Ikea, I figured I could go ahead and knock the cheapest item off my list first.
There is a bit of sewing involved which made me put off this project for about two months, but I'm so glad I finally got it done! AND it only cost $23 to get these shams completed. Woo Hoo!
Here's a quick break down of what I used and what it cost:
- 4 yards of fabric from Jo-Ann: $12 (I had a really good coupon)
- 7 yards of white 7/8 inch grosgrain ribbon from Michael's: $2.50 (Yup, I used a coupon. Plus, I had a gift card, so technically it was free!)
- 1 26x26 euro pillow insert from Target: $11 (I already owned 1 insert.)
- 7 yards of Heat n' Bond: $3 (I already had it on hand)
And here's the process. First, if measuring and cutting and sewing make you break a sweat then grab an iced coffee and settle in. Just think of the results and remind yourself that it will all be worth it.
But seriously....
1. Spread your fabric out and trace (1) 30x30 square and (2) 20x30 rectangles. These will be the pieces of your pillow. I like to use poster board because it's nice and stiff and I don't have to worry about keeping my corners square.
The square will be the front of your pillow and the two rectangles will be the back flaps. Leave a good inch between the peices. You'll need some room to cut. The lines will be a guide and show you where to sew.
2. Cut out your square and rectangles.
3. Hem the edges of the 20x30 panels that will be the flaps on the back of the pillow. You need to hem one of the 30 inch raw edges on each of the panels. I fold the edges over twice then iron them so they stay down.
Then sew!
4. After both back panels are hemmed, attach the corners of one of the flaps to the front 30x30 panel of the pillow with a pin. Make sure the back sides of the fabric is facing out. Repeat with the other back flap.
5. Sew! Follow the lines drawn on the fabric and re-enforce the corners by double-backing on them. Make sure those pins are removed before the needle gets there.
So now you should have a 30x30 pillow sham. Ta da!
6. Turn your sham right side out and iron the edges and corners flat.
7. Lay your sham out and trace a 26x26 inch square onto your sham with chalk. Measure to make sure you have 2 inches all around the chalk square so you know it's centered.
8. Sew! Just follow the line of the chalk.
You should have a 26x 26 inch finished sham now. Time to add the ribbon.
9. Trace a 12x12 inch square onto the center of the sham with chalk then trace 4x4 inch squares onto the corners of the bigger square.
I used Debbie's
tutorial at Visual Eye Candy to add my ribbon. She's got great pictures and I was so determined to get my shams finished that I pretty much forgot to take my own, so I'm happy to just link to her how-to.
Thanks for the instructions Debbie!
And a little bit of ironing...
and here they are on my bed again.
So glad to have this finished!
p.s. This tutorial is very similar to my
original envelope pillow tutorial, I've just used specific measurements here for a 26x26 inch sham.
I'll be linking up to: